This is the second video of the series Four things every tester should know about testing. Xuan will talk about Testing types and categorize them by Software Quality Characteristics.
You can watch the previous video of the series on Test Levels to get a an bigger picture of the topic.
You can watch our video here, or read the transcription below. Turn on subtitles for English, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese.
Hello, everyone. Welcome back to our LotusQA channel.
On recent days, corona virus is spreading in many countries and it’s impacting a lot in our lives. So, I hope you are safe, and let’s stay positive. And take the advantage of this time to improve our skill and knowledge.
It’s the series Four things every tester needs to know about testing. In the previous video, I introduced about ‘Testing Levels’. And now, I want to introduce about another information about ‘Testing Types’.
Let’s begin.
A testing types are groups of test activities which are based on specific testing objectives. We could have different aspects to distinguish the different testing types.
For example, following the Quality Characteristic aspect , we could have Functional testing and Non-functional testing. Following the testing method, we could have Whitebox, Greybox, Blackbox testing or Manual/automated testing. Following the testing environment, we could have the alpha, beta and staging testing and so on.
In this video, let’s distinguish just based on the quality characteristic aspect.
So, what is Software Quality Characteristics? Testers need to verify if the software has good quality or not, hence it is necessary to understand how to define the quality.
ISO/IEC 25010 is an international standard which is issued by ISO(international standard organization) for the evaluation of software quality. It defines 8 main (quality) characteristics, namely: Functionality, Performance, Security, and also Compatibility, Reliability, Usability,Maintainability, Portability.
In this video, we will just explain some popular types.
Functional testing & Non-functional testing
First of all, Functional testing. It is a testing type which focused on the completeness, correctness and appropriateness of the software systems.
It can be done manually or automatically supported by many commercial and open source tools.
Meanwhile, Non-functional testing will focus on the “how well” of the system behaves.
Performance testing
The second one is Performance. Performance testing is the process of determining the speed, responsiveness and also the stability of the software prograM, a computer, network, or device under the specific workload.
There are two main performance testing methods: load testing and stress testing.
- Load testing will help you to understand the behavior of a system under a specific load value.
- Stress testing will place a system under the higher-than-expected traffic loads to evaluate ‘how well’ of the system works above its expected capacity limits.
Security testing
And the next testing type is Security testing.
Security testing is to check if the software or the product is secured or not. It checks if the system is vulnerable to attacks or if someone can hack the system or login into the application without the authorization.
Some sources claim that security testing is a functional testing. Because it can be compliant with the old version ‘ ISO 9126’. But following the latest ‘ ISO 25010’ , security testing is a non-functional testing type and it is one of the quality characteristics separately.
Compatibility testing
And the last one I want to introduce today is about Compatibility Testing.
Compatibility Testing is a testing type to check if our software is capable in the different testing environments such as hardware, operating systems, applications, network, mobile or different versions of the software.
Because the compatibility testing will be repeated on the different environment, so it is highly recommended to be automated testing.
From my experience, Testing type is a significant knowledge that every tester should know in order to test correctly. When you are consulting clients and also proposing the quality assurance solution, test experts also should define the important quality characteristics for that specific system and also point out the relevant testing types.
So, that is a take away video about the testing types. It’s quite short but hopefully, it’s helpful.
Thank you for watching and see you in the next video. Don’t forget to share and subscribe to our LotusQA channel.
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